The purchasing process is initiated when there is a requirement of material/service from a user. If the material/service can not be obtained from the organization's own resource, then the employee responsible for ensuring that all necessary material/service is available must find the vendor or supplier that can provide it on the required date.
The purchasing process is completed when payment to the vendor/supplier has been processed. This process involves multiple business areas and every step of the process has its own challenges.
Built on GuiXT technology, the process can be extended to iOS, Android, Mobile Scanning devices, HTML5 browsers or SAP GUI. Designed to accelerate the simplification and usability of most SAP transactions, this package include best practices, services, development tools, project management, unit testing, go live support, documentation, and knowledge transfer.
- ME51N Create Purchase Requisition
- ME21N Create Purchase order
- MIGO Goods Receipt
- MIRO Create AP invoice
- MMBE Stock Overview
- ME54N Release Purchase Requisition OR
- ME55 Collective Release of Purchase Requisition
- Complex, error prone process for purchase requisitions and purchase orders, especially for users who are not too familiar with SAP screens
- Delayed approval of purchase requisition, as the managers struggle through inefficient transaction screens
- Redundant data entry affects productivity and data integrity. Purchase orders need to be printed and carried to the site of goods receipt, in order to document the information, which must again be entered into SAP.